Sunday, May 20, 2012

Eric Carlson's 20% Project

The 20% Project was a success! I loved having the opportunity to "run with an idea" and see what happened. I researched, planned, and developed a way to flip my math instruction. I have a few weeks of trial and error under my belt as I look toward wrapping up this year and planning for the future and making the flipped model part of it. I now have a YouTube channel dedicated to all curricular areas, and I've made my class website an even more useful resource for students and parents.

As I look at the NETS*T Standards, I have come a long way from thinking simply having a SMART board or some other device is using technology. Through the 20% Project and these first two cohort courses, I have grown tenfold as a teacher who strives to integrate technology. I still have a long way to go, but I am working to create a classroom in which students are given the opportunity to pursue learning curiosities, manage their own learning, and assess progress.  I truly feel that my work with flipping my math class supports this very well. My students see me model the use of technology daily for learning, connecting, and collaborating. The 20% Project has afforded me the opportunity to grow as a 21st century educator. This is just a start.

Everyone should have a 20% project going at all times. Genius, really! I plan on using it next year with my 5th graders. I want to introduce the project in the fall at the same time I introduce their ePortfolios (new for me). I don't exactly know how it will look, but I envision setting it up the same way it was done for this class. Every week students are assigned an hour of self directed learning and they journal about how it was spent. By the end of the year they have months of documented learning through journaling. What a great idea! Love it! Thanks Molly!

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